10 Ideas to Attract MORE Success & Money in 2018

Do you want MORE Success?

Do you want MORE Money?

Then, you should do what successful people do.

Copying is bad only in examinations, but not in real life.

Copying successful strategies makes you a success.

Today, let me share with you one powerful strategy used by successful people to attract more success & money in their life.

They CELEBRATE Success – small or big!

Yes, more you celebrate your success, more you attract it.

They understand that there is value in celebrating! It is meaningful to pause, reflect, take a step back or away from the ordinary, to really shine a light on all the extraordinary things you accomplish and contribute as a person each and every day.

Celebration is a way of growing ourselves as happy human being

Here are 10 ideas to celebrate success in your life…

1) Schedule a self-care day (or morning, or hour, whatever you can fit in) – this time is dedicated to nourishing your mind, body and spirit in any way that feels special and meaningful to you.

2) Buy yourself something special to celebrate YOU – give yourself a gift of gratitude just for being YOU.

3) Find a symbol (it could be an image or an object) that is your “celebrate you” symbol – have this nearby – perhaps put it on your desk or somewhere you can see it each day to remind you to pause and celebrate and acknowledge yourself on a regular basis (I have a Bose speaker on my desk and it reminds me to acknowledge the ways I let love lead in my life and my business, I take mini moments to celebrate, notice and remember this during my days, weeks, and beyond).

4) Pick a favourite song that you love to listen to, cue it up and stop everything else you are doing. Imagine one of your clients has called into a radio station and dedicated this song to thank you for being an amazing coach! Sit back, listen, enjoy.

5) Start a “feel good” folder and any time a client/friend sends you a thank you note, or you receive feedback that makes you feel good, add it to your folder. Take time to review the contents of this “feel good” folder from time to time and allow yourself to be inspired and uplifted.

6) Put some fresh flowers in a vase on your desk, invite fresh and vibrant energy into your workspace and into your being. Celebrate your creative energy.

7) Make a list of at least 20 things (moments, experiences, wins, new learning, favourite memories etc.) you want to remember and acknowledge from this past year.

8) Draw a picture or make a collage that captures all that you might like to celebrate at this time in your life.

9) Meditate for 5 or 10 minutes. Allow your mind and body to relax. Breathe in gratitude. Celebrate this one moment, on this one day. Notice your own aliveness. Celebrate that!

10) Gift yourself “My Happyness Journal and start writing one happy moment and one gratitude per day and attract more happiness and prosperity in your life.

Now you have lots of ideas.

What will you do to celebrate and nourish YOU at this time?

How will you celebrate who you are, reconnect with your own value and well-being and create a positive ripple effect within you and your work in the world?

Choose one or more actions and make a commitment to yourself.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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