They know that “Success is a Process”.
They are experts at getting important things done consistently. They are people who strive to reach peak productivity through powerful, well-rehearsed, and reinforcing routine habits and routines!
We have heard of too many productivity tips that often conflict with each other. What we need is a system. Creating the right system will get you closer to your goals.
The key to success is to have an optimal system and a consistent daily routine.
I’ve put together a list of some simple habits that will help you stay productive.
It’s your job to figure out which one tunes to your needs and decide on an optimal routine. So here you go:
Some Morning Habits ideas that will help you stay Productive:
- Start the day by drinking lemon water and honey.
- Exercise (a minimum 7 minutes) every day
- No Facebook/emails/screen-time until your breakfast.
- Plan your day.
- Decide on the three most you’d like to do in the next 12 hours.
- Review your goals.
Happiness Boosters that will help you stay Productive:
- Meditation every morning for a minimum of 5 minutes
- Write down three things you feel grateful for.
- Start your day with a powerful question. (For example, Steve jobs would ask “If today were the last day of my life, what would I do?”, or Benjamin Franklin “What good shall I do today?”)
- Read Happiness Habits for more tips and techniques
- Watch this Video which can change your life – guaranteed!
Eating Habits that will help you stay Productive
- Having green juices and smoothies
- Eat enough fiber.
- Take Omega-3 supplements.
- Drink 8 glasses of water per day.
- Do include fruits and nuts in your diet.
Evening/Bedtime Habits that will help you stay Productive
- Commit to 30 minutes of reading.
- Review and reflect on how day went.
- Make a rough plan for the next morning/day.
- Unplug from any devices half-an-hour before going to bed.
- Make lots of to-do lists. (like grocery list, project lists and logs etc.) This can drastically improve organization & clarity. You can focus on your big goals instead of getting caught up in day-to-day details.
- Do one thing at a time. (Did you know that science says multi-tasking is extremely unproductive? Read the book “The ONE Thing” by Gary Keller).
- Have monthly and weekly mini-goals. For more support listen to my recent podcast on GOALS
- Every weekend, do a short review of your previous week and a rough plan for the coming week.
Making changes in your routines and including productive habits can be the start to a new life.
If you want these habits to stick, a very important tool that helps you be organized with your routines and systems is having a Journal.

Because 70% of our lives are spent in sleep, consuming food, having sex and other distracting digital media.
If you are a woman, you spend nearly 1 year deciding what to wear. And if you are a man, statistics say that you spend 1 year of your life staring at women! 🙂
We have very less time, no matter what you think. It’s not worth wasting your time on anything else other than what really matters.
Start your journal today!
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