Are you using your PA effectively

Do you know that you have a good looking PA?

Do you know that she can increase your happiness levels?

Whenever you feel,Angry, Sad, Depressed, Irritated or Frustrated,

You should know how to USE your PA.She will give you the necessary calmness & stability so that you don’t let your words loose and  shout at people. She ensures that you stay calm & relaxed during such times of crisis. She even helps you to think rationally and take   the right decisions.  

Would you like to know her?

Even if you are unaware, you can hire her right now!

Her name is PAUSE! Your friendly PA to USE!

We tend to react immediately to incidents, events, situations or people, BP shoots up & we react violently without thinking instead of responding peacefully.

In such situations, USE your PA –  PAUSE!

More the pause, more will be the SPACE between your stimulus & response! More you become aware of this space, your life is under your control.

When life is under control, you will not react to your colleagues or situations. You will start responding in a more peaceful way.

Our life runs in order & harmony.

Remember, “You are NOT your Emotion” and you can achieve emotional intelligence using this simple technique.

Just PAUSE once in a while throughout the day & become more productive!

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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