5 Practical Strategies to GROW your Business

Dear BNI Leaders,

I am doing an awesome Facebook LIVE session on “5 Practical Strategies to GROW your Business” along with BNI ED of Coimbatore Mohammad Nassar on Wed, 19th June 2019 at 8.15pm.

In this, we are going to talk about

1) 3 Key Challenges business owners are facing in today’s scenario and how to avoid it

2) 5 Practical Strategies to grow your business and double your revenue

3) We will be answering audience questions and help them to become successful

4) Special gifts for attendees

Time – 8.15pm on 19th June 2019

Click the above link and click “Get Reminder” so that get notified.

See you inside the FB Live Talk show

Murali Sundaram
Executive Director, BNI Chennai CBD-A

Top 3 Secrets to Business Success

Inaugural Speech in a New Venture Opening Ceremony

Short impromptu speech on the inauguration of JEXPRO – New Venture by our BNI Member Padam Jain

Interestingly emCee asked me can we be happy after getting married and I started with a crazy answer…

Spoke on 3 things to focus as an Entrepreneur

1) Focus on Family First(System)
2) Two Qualities of a Leader (You)
3) Spot Opportunities (Business)

What is your Money Psychology

Take this TEST and know yourself


There is always a powerful subconscious Core Story buried deep inside your mind in relation to your money.

Until you can identify and examine your Core Story, your outer financial life will be a mirror of your unconscious expectations.

It is only when you understand what your unconscious mind believes about your financial lot in life, and what it believes is going to make you happy or safe, that you have a chance to change the tale you’re constantly replaying in your head.

Our Core story is running the show. Taking this TEST will help you identify your core belief about money.