I am not going to talking about the philosophy of this organization,
I am not going to talk about the core values of this organization,
These two topics deserve a separate post.
In this article, allow me to share with you one strong reason why I love this organization after visiting their HQ today.
How many of you believe “Leaders are Learners” in life?
Ok, I heard your loud mental “YES”
What I found here in BNI HQ was brilliant and I just fell in love with this organization little more deeper today.
BNI is the world’s largest referral organization with its HQ at Charlotte, North Carolina, USA.
Leaders are Learners in life and we in this organization are determined to create more leaders in every country.
When I came here for the ED Train the Trainer Certification program, I was literally stunned to see the training hall.
Being a Trainer & Coach for more than a decade, I have done training’s in many corporate houses.
But what I saw here in BNI HQ was phenomenal.
One of the core value of BNI is Life Long Learning.
When I came here today, I was stunned to see an open training hall with no walls. Interestingly, this the centre piece of the office and all cubicles are surrounded.
Generally, you would have training halls are enclosed partitioned sound proof room and away from the main buzz area. Here in BNI, its exactly the opposite.
The training hall is in the middle of the office and every other cubicles and meeting rooms, guest offices, senior executives offices, CEO office revolve around this hall.
Check out this FB Live video of the BNI HQ tour.
This really shows how serious each and every one in BNI dedicated in this core value of Life-long learning.
This was purposefully designed that way, so that every team member of the organization, even though if they are not part of the training, still can hear what’s happening. It’s a very good subconscious learning and repetition for them too.
If they choose not to listen, all of them can put their big headphones(with white noise) and focus on their work. Cool, that’s a cool idea, Isn’t it!
At the end of the Day 1 training, all of us were gifted an amazing book too. I quickly flipped through the content and it was really brilliant.
In this book,
The author gives us seven great questions to use in various combinations to create powerful coaching conversations.
The Seven Essential Coaching Questions:
- The Kickstart Question: “What’s on your mind?”
- The AWE Question: “And what else?”
- The Focus Question: “What’s the real challenge here for you?”
- The Foundation Question: “What do you want?”
- The Lazy Question: “How can I help?”
- The Strategic Question: “If you’re saying yes to this, what are you saying no to?”
- The Learning Question: “What was most useful to you about this conversation?”
This is a good book to read if you are a coach, manager, business leader or a trainer. Click on the book image if you are interested to review the book in Amazon.
(Disclaimer:- If you buy that book through this link, I may get a small affiliate commission fee)
I love books and I have developed the habit of reading more than 200 pages per day.
I thank BNI HQ for gifting me this book and I commit to implement the learnings from this amazing book.
Are you a business leader or a business owner?
Do you read book?
Can you share that ONE book that changed your life?
Feel free to comment below and share to the world. Always remember, the philosophy of BNI is “Givers Gain” philosophy. The more you give, more you will receive.
So also knowledge…
Go ahead and share some of your key learning to the world out here…
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